Gas Leak

Smell Gas & fires, explosions and illnesses can all be the result of a gas leak inside or outside your property. Badly installed gas appliances or ageing gas pipes can cause these leaks. If you smell gas and youthink you have a gas emergency, it's important to raise the alarm.


· Don't turn lights on or off and avoid doing anything which could cause a spark


· Switch your gas supply off at the mains


· If leak is inside open all doors and windows


· The National Grid Advises calling their gas emergency helpline on 0800 111 99 open 24/7




On calling the gas emergency helpline number, they will send one of the engineers out to make the gas leak safe.



Once you`ve had a visit from the gas emergency engineer, you`ll need to book a Gas Safe engineer to carry out any repairs needed. This might be on pipes or gas appliances such as boilers. Call us on 0788 300 1668

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